UK Permanent Residency for International Students


Embarking on the journey towards Permanent Residency (PR) in the UK is an exciting milestone for international students looking to establish a lasting bond with this vibrant nation. Permanent Residency, also referred to as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), grants individuals the incredible opportunity to reside, work, and pursue their studies in the UK indefinitely. This section will explore the different aspects of PR, including its advantages, consequences, and the unique opportunities it presents for individuals.

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International student holding a graduation degree and looking for lodging UK PR Visa.

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Embarking on the journey towards Permanent Residency (PR) in the UK is an exciting milestone for international students looking to establish a lasting bond with this vibrant nation. Permanent Residency, also referred to as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), grants individuals the incredible opportunity to reside, work, and pursue their studies in the UK indefinitely. This section will explore the different aspects of PR, including its advantages, consequences, and the unique opportunities it presents for individuals.

Table of Contents

What is UK PR?

Permanent residency, sometimes known as PR, denotes the status of having indefinite permission to stay in the United Kingdom (ILR). This is sometimes referred to as indefinite leave to remain, granting you unrestricted residency, employment, and educational opportunities in the United Kingdom, without any time limitations, and allowing you to access applicable welfare benefits.

Obtaining permanent residency (PR) in the UK after completing studies also grants overseas students the opportunity to pursue British citizenship. The eligibility criteria for Indian students or international individuals to apply for permanent residency in the UK are as follows:


  • You are employed in the United Kingdom.
  • You have a family residing in the United Kingdom.
  • You possess the status of a Commonwealth citizen.
  • You are reentering the United Kingdom after previously being granted indefinite leave to remain.
  • You have rendered service to the military.
  • You possess the status of a refugee, humanitarian protection, or discretionary leave.


The primary motivation for an international student to apply for Permanent Residency (PR) would be their employment in the United Kingdom. In order to obtain permanent residency (PR) in the United Kingdom following completion of studies, it is necessary to have resided and been employed in the country for a minimum of five years.

The acquisition of permanent residency (PR) is contingent upon the specific category of visa that an individual possesses. Upon the completion of your studies, you have the opportunity to obtain a Tier 2, T2, Skilled Worker, or International Sportsperson visa if you choose to work in the UK. 

Eligibility for UK PR

Understanding the complexities of the eligibility requirements is essential for international students who aim to get UK permanent residency. This section will present a comprehensive examination of the criteria, encompassing factors such as the length of residency, monetary thresholds, employment authorization, uninterrupted work history, and competency in language.


  • Length of Residency: The mandated five-year residency requirement demonstrates an individual’s dedication to the United Kingdom. During this period, students are required to diligently uphold their residence, actively participate in the local community, and adapt to the intricacies of British living.


  • Financial thresholds: The financial aspect is a critical factor. The baseline requirement of earning £38,700 per year (revised in 2024) is required to qualify; however, the higher end of the increase will come by early 2025 after the first threshold hike of GBP 29,000, which has been enforced in the year 2024.


  • Job Approval: It is critical to ensure that one’s work falls on the Home Office’s approved list. This guarantees that employment is consistent with national interests and contributes positively to the UK economy.


  • Continuous Employment: The duty to continue working and meet salary standards does not disappear with obtaining indefinite leave to remain. Employers play an important role by supplying evidence demonstrating the employee’s ongoing requirement in their work.


  • Language proficiency: Proficiency in the English language is essential. International students must pass the “Life in the UK Test” (for individuals aged 18 to 64), or meet language criteria by obtaining an English certificate at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) or completing an English-taught degree.


By methodically meeting these qualifying criteria, international students lay the groundwork for a successful Permanent Residency application in the UK.

Required Documents for UK PR

Obtaining Permanent Residency in the UK requires a careful and thorough documentation process. Comprehending the necessary paperwork is essential for a seamless application process. This section will provide a thorough overview of the necessary documents and supplementary prerequisites to guarantee a successful permanent residency application.


  • Certificate of Sponsorship Reference Number: This reference number, provided by the employer, confirms the necessity of the applicant’s abilities in the UK labour market.


  • Evidence of English Language Competency: Examples of acceptable proof include test results from the “Life in the UK Test” or an English qualification at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).


  • Legitimate Passport: Having a current and valid passport is crucial for establishing one’s identity and nationality.


  • Job Description: This encompasses the designation, yearly remuneration, occupation code, and the employer’s name, guaranteeing clarity on the employment situation.


  • Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) Application: The BRP application is a crucial component of the application process, as it serves to further verify the identification of the applicant.


Additional Requirements:

Although the previously listed documents are essential, additional criteria may differ depending on particular situations. These may encompass substantiation of personal funds, verification of relationships (if relevant), tuberculosis test outcomes, a valid ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) certificate, and further documentation. Prospective candidates must diligently collect all essential documentation to prevent any delays or issues during the application procedure.

Step-by-Step Guide for Obtaining UK PR

A systematic approach is required when navigating the process of getting Permanent Residency in the United Kingdom. This section will walk international students through a detailed step-by-step approach, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the application process.


  • Research and Preparation: Prepare in advance by thoroughly understanding the eligibility criteria and document requirements. Begin the application process no less than 28 days before the qualifying period expires.


  • Choosing the Application Type: Select the appropriate application type, such as SET(O) for multiple categories or SET(M) for partners or parents.


  • Online application: Complete the application online to ensure accuracy and completeness. The application for the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is also part of this process.


  • Document submission: Gather and submit all relevant documents, including current pay stubs, personal bank statements, passport-sized photos, and employer confirmation paperwork.


  • Application Decision: Await the application’s verdict, which should arrive within 3-8 weeks if you use regular services.


  • Submission Options: Choose whether to deliver the application by mail, courier, or in person at a Premium Service Centre, if one is available.


  • Guidance and Support: Take advantage of the online application’s instructions, which can help you complete the procedure smoothly.

Costs Associated with UK PR

Understanding the financial implications of gaining Permanent Residency in the UK is critical for potential applicants. This section will detail the charges connected with the conventional application procedure, as well as accelerated options for individuals who want a speedier decision.


Standard application fees:

The normal application price ranges from £2885 (from October 2023), depending on the specific circumstances.


Healthcare surcharge:

The healthcare surcharge, which typically costs £624 per year, helps the applicant gain access to the National Health Service (NHS).

Supporting Funds:

Individuals typically require at least £1,270to support themselves when they arrive in the UK, unless exempt.

Expedited Service Options

For individuals needing a faster decision, there are two expedited service alternatives available, both with additional fees:


Priority Service:

Applicants who pay an additional £500 will receive a decision within 5 working days.

Super Priority Services:

This premium service, which costs £1000, guarantees a decision within the next day of giving biometric information.


Global Campus recognises that understanding the complications of Permanent Residency might be difficult thus we intend to help overseas students grasp intricate nuances, providing a smooth transition to studying in the UK. We provide comprehensive support for everything from finances to documentation for higher education in the UK.

Contact us for additional information about admission to top-ranked undergraduate & postgraduate study programs in the UK. We are where your worldwide education journey begins!


Refer to the “Eligibility Criteria for UK PR” section for a detailed breakdown of requirements.

The process requires careful consideration and adherence to eligibility criteria, but with proper guidance, it can be navigated successfully.

While PR grants indefinite leave to remain, British citizenship is a separate process that provides additional rights, such as the ability to vote.

No, Permanent Residency in the UK does not expire. Once granted, it offers indefinite leave to remain.

UK Permanent Residency offers stability, access to world-class education, career opportunities, and eligibility for British citizenship. It ensures uninterrupted access to essential services like healthcare and education.

To be eligible, international students must have lived and worked in the UK for a continuous period of five years.

Yes, individuals with self-employment or business roles can apply for Permanent Residency, provided they meet the eligibility criteria and financial requirements.

The standard processing time for a Permanent Residency application is typically 3-8 weeks. Expedited services, such as the Priority and Super Priority services, offer quicker decisions for additional fees.

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